The Parent Trap (1998)

Director: Nancy Mayers Producer: Charles Shyer Cast: Lindsay Lohan (Hallie Parker and Annie James), Erin Mackey (Lohan’s acting double for when the twins appear together), Dennis Quaid (Nicholas Parker), Natasha Richardson (Elizabeth James), Elaine Hendrix (Meredith Blake). SUPER! WATCH IT WATCH IT WATCH IT. A remake of a 1960’s movie. Hallie Parker is sent to a summer camp in Maine. Over there, after a disastrous fencing match against her rich British doppelganger Annie James, she engages in a prank war against her. After a rather disastrous prank which affects the teacher instead of Annie, they both get isolated. In the isolation house, they discover that they are twin sisters and discuss their plans while enjoying Oreos with peanut butter in their cabin. One day, they realize that they have never seen their other parent – their mom for Hallie and their dad for Annie. They decide to pretend to be the other and go to their other parent’s places. In California (where Hallie l...