
Showing posts from November, 2021

The Lego Movie (2014)

  Directors: Phil Lord, Christropher Miller Producers: Dan Lin, Roy Lee Cast: Chris Pratt (Emmet), Will Ferrell (Lord Business), Elizabeth Banks (Lucy), Will Arnett (Batman). THE MOST AMBITIOUS CROSSOVER EVENT IN HISTORY. Seriously, would you expect Gandalf, Dumbledore, and Green Lantern chilling in a single room? Great movie here. The ancient LEGO wizard Vitruvius fails to stop the tyrannical dictator Lord Business from obtaining the Kragle, the deadliest weapon in the universe. He divides all the worlds of LEGO by walls. 8 years later, construction worker Emmet Brickosuzuki reads a state guide on how to be ‘cool’, by wearing trendy clothes, drinking overpriced coffee, ride the Bricksburg Monorail, and more. Emmet one day after a day of work, falls into a pit and finds the glowing Piece of Resistance, a thing that a certain girl going by the name of ‘Wyldstyle’ is also looking for. Supposedly the ‘chosen one’ from the ‘master builders’, the head cop of Bricksburg, Bad Cop/Go