The Incredibles (2004)

D irector: Brad Bird Producer: John Walker Cast: Craig T. Nelson (Robert Parr/Mr. Incredible) Holly Hunter (Helen Parr/Elastigirl), Spencer Fox (Dash Parr) Sarah Vowell (Violet Parr) A mind-blowingly great movie, The Incredibles is perfect! Many years ago, Superheroes used to save the world. But one day, Mr. Incredible, the most powerful super to exist, stopped an attempted suicide. Then Bomb Voyage, a French mime villain, explodes a rail track and Mr. Incredible saves the people inside. The people start suing Mr. Incredible, thinking that he exploded the train track. The next day, the government forced all the superheroes to return to normal civilian lives. 15 years later, in 1962, Mr. Incredible, going by Robert ‘Bob’ Parr, is seen working in an insurance company at a desk job. He then is bawled out again by his boss. Bob then returns home and messes up his car. It is revealed that he married Elastigirl, a fellow super and had 3 kids, 2 of which who have powers. Violet,...